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How to write the perfect blog post

July 31, 2024

Yes, blogs are still around. And still part of a savvy communications strategy for many organizations.

Because blogs are usually housed on an organization’s own website versus on an outside media outlet’s, consistent, strategic blogging can help with search engine optimization, lead generation, content marketing, customer engagement, brand awareness and establish thought leadership, according to Keisha-Gaye Anderson, a poet, author and communications strategist.

What blogs do

“Blogs are often a cornerstone of broader content marketing strategies, serving as a hub for distributing various types of content such as videos, infographics and podcasts,” said Anderson.

Blogs can help organizations communicate directly with their audiences without having to go through an earned media platform. The content is accessible, controllable and editable by the organization, unlike earned media.

They can also act as a method of building community or eliciting feedback from audiences via comments, which can be a valuable touchpoint.

What blogs look like

Anderson said that blog structures are often more flexible than other kinds of communications writing. They can often be casual, incorporating anecdotes and opinions  as well as data.

Blog posts are often written with a busy reader in mind, incorporating bullet points and multimedia for a rich experience. They also tend to be shorter and more bite-sized rather than mammoth reads.

How to create a great blog post

Writing a blog isn’t so  different from writing other kinds of articles. Here’s what Anderson says every great blog needs:

  • Strong headline or subject line: If no one clicks on your story, nothing else really matters. Make it interesting, detailed and concise.
  • Strong introduction: “The introduction sets the stage for the rest of the post and should hook the reader’s attention,” Anderson said. Entice them to read more.
  • Compelling body content: This is the meat and potatoes of your blog. Use subheadings, bullet points and paragraphs to break up large blocks of text. And don’t forget data to illustrate your point and bring your story to life.
  • Visuals, multimedia elements and hyperlinks: Video, audio and photos make your content more engaging. Hyperlinks encourage people to read more and stay on your website longer. Use this to drive readers down your sales funnel.
  • Call to action: Prompt readers to take a specific step, like subscribing to the newsletter, buying something or leaving a comment. Use your content to guide readers to the ultimate ask.
  • Conclusion: Reinforce your key points and urge readers to share their thoughts.

Watch Anderson’s full presentation below.




